Logan County

Have you wondered how to keep track of your child's development? Or wondered if your child was at the right stage at the right time? Baby Bear Hugs of Logan County is pleased to be able to help you!

We can help you track the development of your child. So, as your child grows and goes from rolling over to sitting up, from crawling to walking, and from babbling to speaking, Baby Bear Hugs is here to help you learn and grow, too! Together, you will track the development of your child and all the treasured memories of your child's early years.

Baby Bear Hugs of Logan County offers in-home child development information to help with school readiness, Nurturing Parenting classes, parenting information, stress management tools and information on how to access community resources. For information, contact us to set up a home visit today.

Our address

118 3rd Ave, PO 243 ~ Sterling, CO 80751

Opening hours

Mon - Fri
Appointment Only
Sat - Sun


Andrea Brown

 County Coordinator

Ashley Padilla

Nurse Family Partnership

Nurse Supervisor

Samantha Schell

Nurse Family Partnership

Home Visitor

Logan County Yarn Project

hand-made blankets

The Yarn Project continues to flourish and be a success.  What a joy it has been to give the babies we see a beautiful blanket made by the inmates at the Sterling Correctional Facility. These men do amazing work as you can see in the picture. This project could not have been such a success without all of the contributions of yarn and money that we have received from all over the country.

Your kindness and generosity has greatly blessed the inmates as well as the babies of Logan County. THANK YOU!! We are continuing to receive donations as this will be an ongoing collaboration.

Yarn can be taken to the drop off sites in the Denver area or mailed to the Baby Bear Hugs' Logan County Office. If you would prefer to send a monetary donation, this donation can be designated on your check for the yarn project or can be used as a general donation to the Baby Bear Hugs' organization.

Contact Logan County Baby Bear Hugs

Logan Contact Form

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