A one-time series of visits that cover the basics of life with a new baby. It is available to all families during the prenatal stage, or any time prior to 6 months of age.
Bright By Text
These visits consist of Games to Grow tip cards with activities 0 to 12 months, emphasizing positive parent-child interactions and brain development. Parents have an opportunity to sign up and receive ongoing text messages to make the most of everyday interactions between parent and child with actionable information from trusted early childhood experts.
Baby MEB Box
The Baby MEB Box was a creation of High Plains Research Network, UPSTREAM! Together Community Intervention group to prevent mental, emotional and behavioral problems. The MEB Box helps increase awareness and normalize discussion of mental health. Each family will receive boxes containing materials that: 1) educate parents and caregivers about the potential presence of anxiety and depression around the birth of a baby, 2) encourage the healthy discussion of anxiety and depression and 3) help connect parents and caregivers to more support if needed, or desired.
The Period of PURPLE Crying
The PURPLE program is designed to help parents of new babies understand a developmental stage that is not widely known, but is a normal part of every infant's development sometimes referred to as colic. Typically, from 2 weeks to 4 months increased periods of infant crying occurs, and can have a negative impact on parenting. This educational component of Parenting Essentials 101 provides information on the normal crying curve and the dangers of shaking a baby.
Cavity Free Kids
Cavity Free Kids is an oral health education program for pregnant women, young children, and their families. This includes a rich collection of lessons, activities, stories, songs and other resources. It includes fun-filled, play-based learning and education to encourage good oral health habits for the entire family. Our visitors can help connect families to a dental home, if they don’t already have one.
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