This evidence-based prevention curriculum features activities to foster positive parenting skills with nurturing behaviors, promote healthy physical and emotional development, and teach appropriate role and developmental expectations. This is offered one-on-one during home visits and at select times throughout the year through virtual mini-classes.
In some counties we offer Nurturing Parent classes in person. This 14-week program involves parents and children and includes activities and an evening meal.
•Nurturing as a Lifestyle and Brain Development
•Nurturing Parenting Expectations and Development
•Ages and Stages: Your child’s Development
•Developing Empathy. Parents and Children’s Needs
•Recognizing and Understanding Feelings
•Spoiling Children. Improving Children’s Self-worth and •Building Personal Power
•Understanding Discipline
•Developing Family Morals, Values, and Rules
•Rewarding and Punishing Children’s Behaviors
•Praising Children and Their Behavior and Time-Out
•Establishing Nurturing Parent Routines, Nurturing Feeding •Routine, Nutrition and Meal time, Nurturing Bath Time, •Nurturing Bedtime, Touch and Personal Space
•Handling Stress and Managing Behavior
•Expressing Anger, Criticism, and Confrontation
•Ignoring and Toilet Training
•Hopes and Fears and Assessing Parenting Strength
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