Baby Bear Hugs changes the lives of “soon to be” parents and families with infants and toddlers in Eastern Colorado by providing parenting education, resources, and support. It is our goal that all children will become productive, happy adults who give back to their communities and that they will have every opportunity available to them to fulfill their potential, develop assets that empower them to resist failure, and have strong supportive adults in their lives. To this end, Baby Bear Hugs will provide parenting education, support, and connection to community resources to all expectant parents and families with children 0 to 3 years old. Services are at no cost to the families.
Provides Support to empower parents to solve their own problems and help reduce parenting stress.
Educates parents about child development, parenting issues, brain development, and a healthy lifestyle including eating smart, being active, and elimination of second hand smoke.
Increases parent’s awareness and access to community resources
Increases parent’s awareness of providing a nurturing environment for their children.
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